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  • 5 Best B2B Marketing LinkedIn Posts—March 5th, 2024

5 Best B2B Marketing LinkedIn Posts—March 5th, 2024

Welcome back to Qualified. I share the five best LinkedIn posts about B2B market strategy I read each month. 

LinkedIn is full of amazing content, but there’s also a ton of noise. I spend hours every month finding the best posts so you don’t have to.

LinkedIn posts are too long too. I condense them into actionable and engaging 50 word posts. I make LinkedIn more like Twitter (but without the politics). 

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#1 Obaid Durrani

How many LinkedIn impressions does it take before someone visits your site? 

723, according to HockeyStack customer data. 

Moving website visitors to closed won takes a whole lot more impressions. 

The next time someone asks you for the ROI of content, be sure to remind them that the B2B buyer’s journey is complex


#2 Peter Caputa

Most marketers are using Linkedin for lead generation. Peter says LinkedIn is even better for lead nurturing.

Getting traffic from Linkedin to a website is hard. It shouldn’t be your only success metric. Return visitors and actual conversations are better metrics, according to Peter. 

Peter notes that conversations sometimes happen nine months after they start reading his content. Conversations can also start in DMs rather than after someone fills out a demo request form (this is dark social). 


#3 Mac Reddin

There are two hidden sources of leads: dark social and invisible influencers. 

Dark social leads come to you because of your LinkedIn content, but elude marketing attribution software because we live in a cookie-less world. 

Invisible influencers champion your business in Slack communities, private group chats, Zoom calls, and in-person dinners. 

To harness the power of invisible influencers, foster your own personal community. Networking is the most underrated “marketing” channel for high ACV businesses.


#4 Sam Kuehnle

Sam spent 25% less money, yet generated 30% more revenue. Here’s how: 

Not by generating more leads. By being more efficient and effective with leads already coming in.

Before pumping a bunch of cash into the top of the funnel, take a look at your pipeline conversion rates. You might already have the volume you need at the top, you just need to make sure you're making the most of it.

If you’re going to focus on generating a higher quantity of hand raisers, make sure you don’t do it at the expense of quality. If your "hand raisers" are really just people you beat over the head with CTAs and sales emails, more is not necessarily better.


#5 Clémence Lepers

Marketing is more than strategy. 

Strategy = talking about the work. It's 1% of the job.

Execution = doing the actual work. It's 99% of the job.

Strategy hides in slides and meetings. 

Execution demands going out and getting your hands dirty—failing and learning.

Growth lives in the execution, not in weekly syncs.


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