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  • The 7 Best B2B Content Strategy Posts to Kickoff 2024

The 7 Best B2B Content Strategy Posts to Kickoff 2024

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Welcome to Qualified, where I share strategies and tactics for creating demand and building an audience for B2B businesses.  

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In this issue, I share the best new B2B content strategy posts on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is full of amazing content, but it’s hard to sift through all the noise, so I did it for you.

Here are my seven favs:

  1. Santosh Sharon: Creating demand is the job of c-level folks not SDRs.

Santosh’s company booked 50 demos for a new product in a single day.

How? The CEO published a LinkedIn post. That’s it.

Santosh says the new way to generate leads is to build an audience, and execs need to personally lead this initiative.

  1. Sarah Breathnach: Personality-led growth will dominate B2B in 2024. 

The cost of paid acquisition has gone through the roof because buyers are tired of getting bombarded with sales pitches.

Companies need personalities, not marketers, to reduce it. 

Buyers want people who market a movement not just a business, have unique points of view, and share educational and entertaining content.

  1. Chris Walker: Buyers trust their networks more than Google.

Marketers equipped with generic AI content tools ruined Google search results.

Now, buyers go to Slack communities, LinkedIn, and their professional networks to get vendor and content recommendations.

Marketers need to adapt and move beyond legacy SEO/SEM strategies.

  1. Ognjen Bošković: Don’t ignore the 95% of your market who is not in buying mode.

95% of B2B prospects are not in the buying mode, but most GTM teams market to them as if they are.

This is a loser's game because you’re competing with every other company over just 5% of the market. This drives up customer acquisition costs.

According to HBR, 80% of prospects have a set of vendors in mind before they begin researching. You want to be one of those vendors.

Content is a great way to build trust with the 95% of your market before they’re ready to buy.

  1. Chris Walker: Build your marketing strategy based on customer insights.

Most B2B companies build their marketing strategy based on attribution data instead of customers. They only do activities that tools can measure.

The result is prioritizing easy-to-move vanity metrics over actual effectiveness.

Chris suggests building your strategy around where buyers spend their time, how they want to buy, what sources of information they trust, and what they want to learn.

  1. Chris Walker: Look at marketing in a long-term view.

Most B2B companies don’t have the patience to do actual marketing. Marketers get forced to chase vanity metrics rather than make real impact.

It takes time for your buyers to understand your category, your product or service, and prioritize solving the problem you solve.

Chris says you need to be consistent with a “dark social” content strategy to create a sustainable competitive advantage.

  1. Erik Jacobson: Outsource your content production, not your strategy.

Nobody should know your ideal customers better than you.

You can outsource the technical execution of creating content, and get input from experts on your approach.

But you don’t want to outsource gaining customer insights, using those insights to inform your content strategy, or building relationships with your audience.

PS: I’m launching my new company called Buddy next week! Buddy is a content engineering agency. We create an AI version of you that writes content based on your knowledge and in your voice. Reply to this email if you want to learn how Buddy can help you publish original content consistently this year.

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